Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

Shattered Memories

Inside of the darkness, I called your name
over and over again
Inside of the light, I saw my memories
They're still too far off for me, filthy as I am
Inside of the endless time, there's no one
there but you

I know who's touching the depths of my closed eyes

Until I lose everything
I was being drown in silence
If it had been my former self, my face
Its painful
I don't know your reason
but, even with this pain
I always remembers the kindness
You held me when I was alone in the dark
I won't forget that

I lock myself up, unable to breath
I can't do anything but pray...
But still my sadness is not cured
I tore off a single memory
It float in the air and I remember you
For some reason, it made me sad

My pain that no one else can take it away
No one will be able erase that sadness

The sadness and the pain, to the world that
doesn't need anything
From the gently crying sky, I also heard
your voice
I laughed through gathering tears, but I
couldn't see anything...

Even the soundless smile is happy right
I can't return to that time ever again
When we were laughing
I lost myself
As I lost you

Like struggling, suffering prey
My precious soul is taken away from me
I drown and disappear
Cold, inside of these dark

I embrace the torn rose to my chest
My burned heart is bound in chains
Even if I'm trembling all alone in the night...
I'll be waiting
Even I can't see you like you were that day

No matter how far apart we may become...
I'll be waiting
Just you... that always by my side
My dear love... and I'll always by your side

10 komentar:

  1. Hwah, lagu lagi neh, kayaknya bakalan jadi blog song content ni Mia, posting link dunlut MP3nya boljug tuh, hihihihi... :p

  2. Lhaaaaaa #kucinggalau is in the house!! hahaha.. eh cing, ngetwit jg g??

  3. @okky: *jitak* ga ada ky. ga ngerti cr bacanya *gaptek.com*

  4. shattered itu judul pelem horor thailand itu bkn? *,*' :p

    sok atuh dikumpulkan yg berserakan itu..coba weh dilem lagi..emang ga bisa nyatu sempurna sih..tp paling ga masi bisa disimpen.. atau skalian aja disapu terus dibakar biar jadi abu dan terbang bersama angin..*tsaaahh! :D

  5. jgn klamaan di GOA...
    ntar lumut'an...

    [sudah sejak lama klo kucing gaptek]

  6. jgn klamaan di GOA...
    ntar lumut'an...

    [dah lama klo kucing gaptek]

  7. aboot sangat pusinya..
    moga happy ending saja :D

  8. ane kesulitan menerjemahkan bahasa sunda spt diatas,maklum walau nyokap urang sunda aseli, tp ane dibesarin di indonesia....

    mampir balik yah hahahahahha

  9. ai don andersten englis. hehehe

  10. nice words...i like it...thanx for share


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