Lagi suka ma ni lagu, walo belom pernah nonton filmnya. Kayaknya sedih2 gitu filmnya (diliat dr judulnya), denger ni lagu aja dah cukup sedih. hiks :(
Suddenly as I followed your growing shadow
I was walking with you inside darkness.
As we hold hands until whenever that might be
Just being together makes me cry.
As the wind becomes colder, winter comes closer.
Little by little, on this path, comes the season when I had to let you go.
As I watch the first snowflowers of this year right now,
In this moment that we share together, I want to give you my all.
Do you know of my heart?
I wasn't always so weak, I'm loving you like this but
that's all my heart can do.
If I was by your side, no matter what the task may be
I feel as if I can do it. I get that feeling.
When the wind rattles my window and even the dark night awakens,
I'll erase even all your painful memories.
With that bright smile.
With these white snowflowers falling endlessly,
The sidewalk that we are walking on glows with a bright light,
without even knowing that it's changed.
Have I lived on for someone else?
Wanting to do everything for them, I learned that that was love.
If by chance I knew where you were,
I would've become a star in the winter sky and shined on you.
Even on days when you laugh and sad nights that are damp with tears,
I'll be by yourside always, whenever that may be.
As I watch the first snowflowers of this year right now,
In this moment that we share together, I want to give you my all.
Do you know of my heart?
Don't cry, look at me.
All I want to do is be together with you by your side.
I won't let you go this time.
Inside the snowflowers that fill this path and shower on us endlessly,
little by little, small memories are being drawn inside our hearts
Forever by my side you are there.
sedih lagunya, mbak :(
BalasHapus@fanny: iya,, sedih banget :'(
BalasHapushuhhuhuhu......belum pernah nonton....tapi dari iriknya sedih si.....?!?!?!
BalasHapusini drama korea ya?!?!?!
Film dr mana mi???koq kayak judul Kankoku no Dorama...hihihi
BalasHapusngiikk..liriknya aja udah dalem..padahal belom denger lho..jadi kepingin donlot.. :D
BalasHapuslumayan sedih kok..tapi masih sedih film titanick..
kl boleh tahu...
fb kucingtengil apaan??
hey Mia.....fb mu kok ghaib...can you explain
BalasHapusto me:)
@wuri: drama korea Ri, judulnya I am sorry I love you. blm ntn jg mianya hahahaha
BalasHapus@@OPI: BUANGEEEEEEETHHHH,, tapi aslinya bhs korea sih :P
@My blog: FB mia lg ga aktif skrg utk sementara, tapi bakal aktif lg. add aja, miawruu camui ntar^^
@Kak Jim: hehehehe,, lg rehat dr dunia maya dulu kak. ntar balik lg kok :D
lagunya keliahtannya sedih... walaupun belom pernah ndengerin .....
BalasHapuslebih baik berkhayal daripada sedih memeluk nasib yang buruk ...
Macam best jer drama korea ni. Tapi sejujurnya saya belum nonton lagi. nanti mau cari dan downdload kat youtube.
BalasHapussiip deh MIA:)
BalasHapusCari lagunya dulu kalau dilihat dari lirik enak nich.
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