Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

The Way

God, please show me the way
The way that I must to choose
Have I must step away to leave my black wing
Or I must stay only to watch my heart just torn apart

Gave me the courage
So I can move on and leave everything behind
With the bloody smile in my face
Wrap the sadness with the happiness

I know this is not fair for him
But it's only torturing me little by little
I am not strong enough
even though I'm not as weak as it

I just want to find my oasis that could save me
From this the heat of wounds
That consume my strength to hang on
Please God, save me from that pain

Release me from this vain
Cause it's only hurt me deeper and deeper
Or change it into different form
So I can forget him as my light

Aishite soramade,,, sayounara

3 komentar:

  1. Hati yang dikerat, lepaskanlah.
    Dia tidak pantas untuk disakiti.
    Hati yg berdarah, bersihkanlah.
    Agar cinta lain masih nyaman untuk menempati.

  2. @panda: *hug hug hug* bagus sekali koment muhhhh,,, :D

  3. haduuuh ngiiiiil.... psoting saudara saudaramu kek biar aku gemes liatnya.... jangan bahasa planet gini.,, jadi mabok dah bacanya @_@


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