What I’ve more to say
You had crucify my love to you
Burning down the tears and pain
As if this hole never been incomplete again
Like a river flowing to the sea
I just falling towards of you
And I’ll know
I know how the pain of these feeling
Ah… it is crime of love?
With those all the heartbeat
You had crucify my heart to you
As if there is point of no return
I’ll never be a same person like I was
U had crucify my love away
Charm me with all of your kindness and yours gentle hands
Please lead me the way
So I can find you at there
Or if it should be the way?
I am the loneliness shadow
Who’s searching for the light
You’re the light that I am looking for
Even I know the light will vanish me
Ah… is this the sacrifice?
Never know, never trust
The love swing the heartache
Feel the inside out
When the winds cry
I’ll say goodbye or is this gonna be forever?
pertamaxx kn...?
BalasHapus*mencoba memahami.....*
BalasHapusngga bisa bhs inggris soalna...
I am the loneliness shadow
BalasHapusWho’s searching for the light
You’re the light that I am looking for
Even I know the light will vanish me
Ah… is this the sacrifice?
aku ska yg ini...mantabbb...
*kaya ngrti aja* hehe...
maybe yes maybe no...*apaan seeh...?
BalasHapusun mento la csudeto ill pre..truna capitano...
BalasHapussetun l;ifre
ngomong opo aku g ngerti..
BalasHapuskamu cahaya yang terang hmmm..cahaya bagi kucing mungkin si anjing ya ?wwkwkwkwk(siap2 ditabok pake gajah)
dont cry becos love,,,
BalasHapuscry aja becos tanggal tua kayak sekarang gini,duit habis. yeeeahhh huhuiii
kejaR setoran cinG?=D nice poem..even beLom ada juduL..=P
BalasHapusentahlah, moga ajah nggak.. :-)
BalasHapusnice poems.. :-)
BalasHapusCari kamus dulu ahhh... hahaha...
BalasHapusKalau boleh kasih judul, gimana kalau judulnya ...
BalasHapusI'm sorry Goodbye..
Kau sedang patah hati kah..??
Ciyeee... yang ganti theme blognya,, hehe
BalasHapushmmm... mending kamu jadi-in quiz deh.. judul apa yg cocok hehe.. eh.. kapan diganti nih templateny? jd panda! ganti nama juga deh jd pandatengil.. whuehehe..
BalasHapushmmm....terpaksa deh buka kamus dulu, peresss otak dulu niih... hik hik hik
BalasHapushaha, kucing bkin puisi bhs. inggris (lagi :P), ni dh yg kbrapa nih?
BalasHapusbtw, why love? Is tht smhw related wth ur feeling currently? Bt I've obsrved almost girls wrte poems tht reflect about love, passion and admiration. In vice versa, guys (me inclded :P) wrote about th dilmma, trgdy n so on. I wnder why....
garuk-garuk kepala.. ga mudeng bahasa planet he he...
BalasHapuscinta adalah cahaya keabadian, yang tiada harus selalu diartikan, saling memiliki, ataupun berpasangan..
goodbye and say goodnight, hehe.
BalasHapusmbak tipsnya udah dilyat, thanks yah mbak. :D
@ mizan : hahaha... iyah bener... bisa merusak imej nih... masa' layoutnya panda sih... bisa identitas bisa terasamarkan, jadi pandatengiL.. huahahahahaha....
BalasHapus*Mizan semprot ajah tuh pakai water Canon, hohoho
@ Miaw : kyaknya kostan mia, mesti dapat guiness book of record deh... bayangin ajah, 8 motor raib,, dan benda2nya dipinjem maling, tanpa ada satu pun yang kembali... sungguh luar dari biasanya... hahaha
Semoga aja ucapan selamat tinggalnya gak selamanya, melainkan hanya untuk sementara...
BalasHapusyes, it will be forever.. :) but there's no crime of love.. ixixiixi
BalasHapusGimana kalo judulnya Confusion of Love, hehehe
BalasHapusCinta tetap saja sebuah misteri, meskipun kita sudah menjalani...
BalasHapusPuisinya bagus..., dan aku suka... ^_^
BalasHapusBerharaplah cinta itu akan ada utk selamanya...
lupa gak bawa kamus..
@ pho>>> makanya susah main ke tmp mia pho. pas datang bawa motor dg gagahnya, eh pas pulang nyeker dg stressnya hihihihi
BalasHapus@ Mizan>>> kan kucingnya lagi suka ma panda :D
@ Zippy>>> Amieeen...
@ Mbak Lina>>> hihihihi ini bukan confusion lagi mbak. tapi dah desperate hakhakhak
@ aprilins>>> the crime of love itu walo terasa indah tapi pedihnya jg banget hahahaha
@ the others>>> thanks^^
@ fai>>> *lemparin kamus segede bagong*
Ngeri juga yah...
BalasHapuswaduh... maling yg lebih berkuasa nih,, mesti extra ordinary nih jaganya,, ^0^ hemmm....
Wah dirimu baru saja membombardir Blog akyu...
sebentarr, ambil kamus nya dulu ...
BalasHapussaya suka film catwomen
BalasHapuskasih judul untitled aja hehehee, lucu juga tuh :p
BalasHapussalam kenal
BalasHapusini kunjungan perdana
langsung senyum2 liat pandanya yang lucu-lucu
puisinya bagus...
wew ganti baju skrg miawwww...... judule klo gt ANU gt ja..... biar pada berimajinasi sendiri2 heheh
BalasHapusgrasp his hand..and feel it.feel it. and feel it. the hand says without words. And that's what you're looking for: something outside words.
BalasHapusAku kasih judul yah Mia...
BalasHapusJudulnya... Miaw fall in love..
BalasHapusWah walau gak ada judulnya, tapi bahasa inggris! Mantap... Translate dulua hh
BalasHapusaduh bahasa linggis... *baca2 komen biar keliatan ngerti* :D
BalasHapusjudulnya adalah 'depend' *apasih* :))
hayooo...will be forever duunkkk ^^
BalasHapusbtw winds cry tuh kek mana yah? >.<
lha itu ada judulnya "A Poem (belom ada judulnya hihihi)"
BalasHapusmrip lyrics nya X JAPAN yg ceucify love ya????
Hmm... kata2nya mirip dengan lirik lagu crucify milik band X-Japan neh....nyulik lirik ne ceritanya?? ha.ha..........