Jumat, 23 Januari 2009

Gallery Miaw I

This is Yuna, I have story about this character. but pitty, I don't have time to make a comic for her story. maybe I'll make a novel for her story...

etto... ini iconnya mia hehehehehe... nya nya nya^^

This is Rhea. I has wrote her stories, but not done to edit it. Oh yeah,,, she is a vampire. Is she a good character or bad character?? hmmm... she was a good person, but her tragic life, force her become an evil creature.a creature full of revenge...

This... I make this picture, when i want to release my burden taht haunted inside of me. I called this picture, "freedom"

Etto... this is picture of my beloved Gackt kekekekekekek... I am sorry Gackt, u are beautiful than this pic >_<

7 komentar:

  1. Huy mi, editin foto Nie dong jadi sereman gt tp cantik,,,,, emmm jd terkesan misterius gitu, sama fotonya dani neh di bikin gantengan gitu, kekekekekekek. ntar Nie pilih dulu fotonya tp jangan di pajang di blog

  2. wouw..,,., kren bngt editan_a.,.,

    hmmmm.,., mangna mia ngdit_a pke softwre apaan see klu bleh tau.,.,

    pke adobe???????
    or corel see.,.,.,

    mau dunkz d editan kyak gtu.,.,

  3. Yang mau mia edit gambarnya apa mukanya hahahaha kidding^^

  4. pake photoshop yaa...hebat wuy jago photoshopnya...coba saya lancar photoshopnya...

    kayknya udah bikin komik...


    ok dah .. mantap :)

  5. kireii desu yo

    ja mata

  6. miaw bagus bangettt.... mau dong miawww fotoku di gituin...pake soft apa sih miaww

  7. sukaaaaaaaaa... postingan keren gini udah 2 taon lalu baru kebuka rrrggggghhhh *bentur2in kepala ke dinding..


Mohon berbahasa yang sopan (boleh melawak asal sopan)dan tidak melenceng dari postingan atau memuat iklan. Komentar yang dianggap ga pantas akan di hapus oleh admin Tora^^
