Rabu, 22 Juli 2009

Enjoy Your Washing Time

I do like to have a fantastic dinner in my house with my entire family or with my closest friend. I have through a great time with them. At last, after that fabulous dinner, I must to struggle to wash all the dirt such as a greasy plate, bowl, spoon, knife and fork from the delicious turkey and soup, the sticky glass from remain of juice. It’s so annoying when the perfect dinner that you had is ruining when you find all the dirty things in your kitchen. I have done do shopping, cooking and organizing the table. Now I am too tired to clean all of this. Its make me frustrated sometimes.

So, I decide to buy some dishwasher to solve my problem. But, what I heard from my friend, they have a noisy sound that make you irritate to hear it. Except you have to pay about $300 or must pay twice from that to get a quiet, fully loaded space and speedy washer. Oh great… Just to get a perfect clean dish and quiet day it will make me must to pay double. I bet, all of you have this experience too

One day, my dear friend coming and solving my problem. She told me about the incredible dishwasher that I have looking for. And I do not have going out to buy this product. I can buy it via online . It’s so simple isn’t it. I can find quiet, speedy washer, full loaded, elegance look, and ECONOMICAL!!! Economical with the price, with the electricity and water. So we can more save the money. And more important is, this dishwasher is environmentally friendly. But wait, beside I found a nice dishwasher, I find another products that will help me to make a delicious food. Such us blender and food processor to make nice vegetable juice, cake batter, bread dough and to grind meat more easily. hand mixer to make delicious cookies and cake. After that, you can bake them in toaster oven perfectly. If you want hot meals every time you want, you can use microwave. And you can get fresh drink, vegetables, fruit, and meat if you put them into the refrigerator. And don’t forget, you can try new various excellent recipes in cookboks

You will more love your cooking time since you have a perfect mate to help you to make a delicious food more easy, more fun and more faster. And of course, after you enjoy your meals you do not have done the dirty work again. Let the dishwasher to washing your eat equipments and clean your trash with trash compactor Furthermore, you can check it out in ShopWiki at kitchen appliances for more detail products and the friendly price.

Have a wonderfull cooking and washing time!!!

17 komentar:

  1. doh... gak mudeng sayah.... *jalankan misi utama "mengusili tora"*

  2. hmmmm...
    roaming gan!!!

    malas translate.

    eh ya sekalian,
    ada yang baru di blogku.
    koment yak.

    salam perjuangan!!!
    KEEP ENTER!!!!!

  3. I got same experience like you. It's very tiring with all that dirty work. Thank u for the info

  4. apa tuh artinya?
    hehehehehehe :D

  5. cring cring criinngg.. psotingan aroma dolla*** nii... traktiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrr!!!

  6. wah kurang paham ni dengan bahasa na!
    tapi kalau di lihat ada diner nya gitu!
    mau traktir ya?

  7. kirain di reply juga di sini :( gpp dehh...

  8. hunyaaaaa......... kok pada banyak yg ga mudeng seh komennya huhuhuhu kasihanilah diriku ini paaaak buuuk... dua hari belom makan di KFC...

    ya sut... lain kali bakal di posting dalam bahasa Jepang aja hehehehehe nihon o wakarimasenka? nee minna... :D

  9. wah kalo enjoy washing gue bgt tu..biasanya nyuci2 sambil ngayal..sedap bgt..huwaaa =))

  10. heeeeiiii jangan copy passsteeeee x(
    baka so desuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!! ehuehuehueheuheuehuehuehuehueheuh..

    kumahaaaaaaaaaa damaaaaaaangggg?!!

  11. weitss, bahasa buleee :)), ajarin dunks mia, bahasa inggrisku o'on neh :P

  12. @ote tetsuya: hehehe... ngayal jadi mesinnya ya bro hahaha btw... dikau suka ma oagra tetsuya :D
    @ Aprilins: enak aja. Pure hasil karya tulisan mia tauuuuuuuuuuu. Omae wa baka desuuuuuuuuuuuu...
    @ Shinkun: Mia masih blm fasih juga. grammarnya mia masih berantakan :))

  13. Whahahah... Sukuriiinnnnnn !! =))

  14. owke!
    sekarang koment yang bermanfaat nih.
    stelah kemaren koment yang kurang bermutu

    tentang dishwasher toh.
    takut ah.
    enakan nyuci piring sendiri.
    kan ada asisten ibuku.

  15. postingannya..
    bau dollar.. ajarin donk..
    kalo bukan, bahasa inggrisnya bagus, ajarin donk..
    kalo bukan lagi brarti bhsa jepang aja minta diajarin..

    please... huehehehe


Mohon berbahasa yang sopan (boleh melawak asal sopan)dan tidak melenceng dari postingan atau memuat iklan. Komentar yang dianggap ga pantas akan di hapus oleh admin Tora^^
